Yiyeceklerden sanat eseri yaratmak

Artist Danling Xiao, yenilebilir materyallerden sanat yapıyor ve sonrasında hazırladığı bu eserleri yiyor. Sanatçı yaptığı bu çalışmayı “kendi sanatını ye” diye adlandırıyor.

Xiao’nun sanatçılığının yanında yaptığı mesleği ise bir hayli şaşırtıcı. Avukat olan Xiao, tüm zamanını ve yaratıcılığını sanatına ayırmak için 9’dan 5’e olan işinden istifa etmiş.

Sanatçı eserlerini yaratırken bıçak, kesme tahtası, kürdan ve birçok doğal sebze ve meyveyi kullanıyor. Birçok insan Xiao’yu “şirin meyve sanatı yapan bir sanatçı” olarak görse de sanatçı tüm bunların nerden geldiğiyle ilgili farkındalığı artırdığını düşünüyor.

Sanatçının çalışmalarını Instagram hesabından görebilirsiniz.

There are people who you meet at the first time, and you already feel the bond with them – @rosiefuture is one of those people to me. /// Rosie found out our workshop by browsing things to do in Sydney on her short visit. When she picked up my leftover broccoli out of the ‘mystery box’, she said she was going to make an island. Along the process, she was cutting bits and pieces, nibbling at the vegetables, chatting with everyone about nature, animals and the world. /// At the end she showed this thing ☝️ and described to me that there were two islands, floating; and there was a capsicum ladder that led people up to the islands. I thought it was a wonderful canapé idea. /// A curious, adventurous and futuristic mind. I am very fortunate to meet Rosie and keep in touch with her. ❤️ #mundanematters #superlocalxmundanematters

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Kaffir lime brain from @lianerossler’s garden. /// A few days ago I watched Ken Jennings’ @ted talk about artificial intelligence and its impact on us. I found it inspiring so I just watched it again to write down some of his words for us. /// The things we learn or carry in our head, are what make who we are as individuals, as a species. I don’t want to live in a world where cultural literacy becomes this bubble of speciality so that no one knows the common association used to bind our civilisation together. It is a vast cultural heritage we share, without having to outsource to our devices, search engines and smart phones. /// We are at a point where we need to make the choice of what kind of future we want to be living in. We can choose a new golden age where information is universally available more than ever. On the other hand we will be living in a gloomy dystopia where machines take over and we decide what we know about is no longer important because everything is in the cloud and why would we bother learning? Something for us to think about. #mundanematters

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I have been following the not-for-profit @pocketcityfarms for a while and really love what they do for our city. Yesterday when I saw the post about their fundraising deadline for the farm, I thought perhaps I can help spread the words and hope friends like yourself can help them a bit. I reached out to Emma to ask her about their five-year preparation for the farm. It was five years of hard work and patience – It took them two years to find the current place. The most memorable moment for Emma was breaking the ground when their development was approved – after four years they started the land search! Since then they have been preparing the soil, raising funds, designing the space and working with the council and their collaborators to improve the space. It is till now we start to see a beautiful veggie garden that replaces the old unused greens of Camperdown Bowling Club. Moreover, the locals will be able to buy organic produce from them, and send their compost to help the farming. Till the opening in June they needs our help. If you share the same value in ethical farming and shopping local, especially if you live in Sydney inner-west, please make a pledge. You will be able get some homemade compost or yoga workshops etc as a gift for the money you donate. More info see @pocketcityfarms. #mundanematters

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Cheers vampire #mundanematters #superlocalxmundanematters

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